botanical studies: actaea (cimicifuga) racemosa 'Brunette'
actaea (cimicifuga) racemosa 'Brunette'
perennial • zones 4-9

botanical studies: disporum cantoniense 'night heron'
disporum cantoniense 'night heron'
chinese fairy bells
perennial • zones 6-9

botanical studies: pulmonaria
perennial • zones 3-8 • part to full shade

botanical studies: ligularia dentata
ligularia dentata
leopard plant
perennial • zones 4-8 • part to full shade

botanical studies: aruncus aethusifolius
aruncus aethusifolius
dwarf goat's beard
perennial • zones 4-8 • full to part-sun

Grounders, Spinners, Dreamers
Some folks are grounded - connected to the Earth. Others are spinning around in their own heads. And us dreamers are floating around into space LOL

Behind the Fog
On Day 86 of daily meditation + painting, I started blending layers a bit more.
I painted the cloudy Depression layer, cut holes with exact-o knife…