Whoof! The last two weeks have been a rough go. I’ve been pushing hard with my entrepreneur ideas and likely burnt myself out pretty hard.
Some old habits are hard to break. The hustle fire was the attitude that fueled my successes, and it’s deeply engrained in me to feverishly work with tunnel-vision to achieve my goals.

botanical studies: actaea (cimicifuga) racemosa 'Brunette'
actaea (cimicifuga) racemosa 'Brunette'
perennial • zones 4-9

botanical studies: disporum cantoniense 'night heron'
disporum cantoniense 'night heron'
chinese fairy bells
perennial • zones 6-9

botanical studies: pulmonaria
perennial • zones 3-8 • part to full shade

botanical studies: ligularia dentata
ligularia dentata
leopard plant
perennial • zones 4-8 • part to full shade

botanical studies: aruncus aethusifolius
aruncus aethusifolius
dwarf goat's beard
perennial • zones 4-8 • full to part-sun

Grounders, Spinners, Dreamers
Some folks are grounded - connected to the Earth. Others are spinning around in their own heads. And us dreamers are floating around into space LOL