Most Influential Books for My Career
“How did you become a VR artist?”
”Well, when I was 5 years old…..”
Umm! I mean, hello!!
There’s no way I would have known my path would lead me to be an internationally known and desired VR/AR artist! Most people in the world still have yet to put on a virtual reality headset, let alone fathom what an artist does in a face computer.
With a strong conviction to make the world a better place, a heck lot of education and training, and an incredible support in my corner, I’ve been very #blessed to carve my own unique path.
“Get hired for my brain,
not my hand, ”
I remember repeating to myself over and over again.
Welp! I better get my brain and mindset in order! Since then, I’ve been hungry to learn about others who successfully turned their ideas into reality, combining different genres of industries together, and - just - the FOUNDATIONS of “making it.”
Here are the key books that helped me on my journey! I hope it helps you, too <3
Transparency note: I’m trying out Amazon Affiliate linking as a way of generating small passive income. I’ll make like a $0.20-$2 commission (LOL) if you purchase through the below links - no additional cost to you. I will only recommend products or services that I genuinely believe will add value to your creative entrepreneurial journey, too. :) Onward!
15 books that helped me become a creative entrepreneur
1) Getting There: A Book of Mentors by Gillian Zoe Segal
Such a meaty book for inspiration, reading about people’s origin stories and how they got to their successes. Nine years later, I’m still slowly reading through the stories - each one is packed with so much inspo.
2) Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace
Early on in my XR career, I was hungry to learn from anyone who combined art + tech. Of course, I had to study the heck out of Ed Catmull and Pixar to understand how they were able to combine technologies with storytelling. Most pertinent in this book are the stories of resilience, “failing fast,” and getting back up again.
3) Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown
A book that changed my life. I have a quote that sits boldly near my desk:
”Success, recognition, and approval are not the values that drive me.
My value is Courage.”
It’s not about the accolades, the likes, the awards - it’s the courage to DARE to be ME.
I’ve read this book 3 or 4 times, each time with new wisdom gained.
4) Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t by Simon Sinek
Like many others, Simon Sinek’s “Start with WHY” TED Talk shifted my life, too. I know I’m a good leader, but how or why? This helped me fine-tune and better understand that it’s my authenticity, integrity, and my aligned actions that make me a good leader.
5) Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
Her story about Ideas trying to find people to collaborate with helped lessen the pressures for me. The concept of collaborating with a muse helped, too. This book really did ignite magic and inspiration for me.
6) How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci by Michael J. Gelb
Did you know Da Vinci had less than 20 paintings? He was a polymath: artist, inventor, engineer. He became a role model for me when I first investigating art + tech innovation. There are lessons in this book I think about every day, especially Curiosita.
7) Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking by David Bayles
Helped me feel less alone in my creative journey. It’s SCARY to do art fully. There’s so many unknowns. And if often feels like there’s so little in our control, too. This was a core read for me when I started my creative professional journey.
8) Do Story by Bobette Buster
Recommended by one of my mentors, Bobette Buster would be brought into Disney to help solve issues with their stories. This small but mighty book teaches how to tell stories in a meaningful, compelling, and impactful way. This one really changed my life - especially as it pertains to public speaking and talking engagements.
9) The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream by Paulo Coelho
Such good inspo for following one’s dreams and calling.
10) Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Finding fulfillment and peace thru the simple things in life, in nature, and - in turn - connection. Another short but mighty book packed with inspiration.
11) Your Illustrated Guide To Becoming One With The Universe by Yumi Sakugawa
I love and have recommended this book so much! My favorite take-away from Sakugawa’s book is regularly sitting with one’s demons, inviting them to tea, letting the demon speak and express itself. Our inner voices often just want to be heard, validated, and acknowledged. This really aligns way I express myself and thoughts in my own therapy and journaling. Sakugawa does it in such a beautiful way.
12) Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Life by James Victore
Oh I just love Victore’s brash tone! It’s so refreshing and wholehearted, imo! LOL They speak to the creative and mental challenges of being a professional creative - distractions, perfectionism, external factors. This is a good reminder to just shut the noise and stay true to our own paths.
13) The Simple Path: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life to Wealth by J L Collins
I needed to start learning about money! This is a good, easy read on the concept of how wealth works. Basically, it’s about compounding - letting things build upon itself. I’ve taken this concept and think about this, not just for my money, but also wellness and health in my life, too. Having a strong, secure, stable foundation means “add-ons” and shifts/changes are easier managed.
I particularly love the bit where he talks about guessing where we might be with money in 5, 10, 20+ years. “Guessing” takes a lot of pressure off of being… wrong? inaccurate? failing? Nonetheless, a great book at the start of my financial literacy journey.
14) I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi
I can’t recommend this enough! Sethi’s book is SO easy to understand, provides fantastic structures and practices to automate contributions. He’s all about creating a SYSTEM — which I LOVE! Let the money serve YOU — even if you only get paid $12/hr!! I actually implemented my systems when I was working retail making about that much! It’s still doable and I could still see my money grow.
15) Freelance, and Business, and Stuff by Amy Hood and Jennifer Hood
A life-changing book for my business! This is packed with so much information on how to be your own creative business, for all the nitty gritty things! LLCs, accounting, contracts, etc. This book
All of these books tap on a variety of focuses — all quite integral to my holistic journey. I hope these might help and serve you, too!
Have any of these helped you, too? Are there any you’d add to this list? I want to hear what has inspired you on your path!