Feeling Grateful
For closest of friends For not-so-closest of friends
For people who know just what to do
For friends that listen
For friends that need me to listen
For friends that call outta the blue
For people who value my advice, input, and experience
For the mere physical presence of friends
For friends that just be with me
For empathetic and compassionate friends
For teachers that understand
For teachers that have my back
For teachers that believe in me, believe in my strength, and believe in my perseverance
For people that care
For people that know that trust needs to be earned
For having safe spaces
For having safety nets
For having friends I can lean on
For friends that help carry the weight when I'm too weak to do it myself
For believers that will say prayers for me, despite my being athiest
For laughs
For hugs
For love
For being stronger than I realize
For being more courageous than I know
For my inner fire that keeps me going
For everything that has brought me here
For being lucky, despite it all
For all the people that have come and gone in my life
I'm truly grateful for existence and for being given a chance to live. We're so much smaller and inconsequential in the greater scope of it all. And to have the chance to be here, to have the capacity to FEEL all the pains and joys that come with life, to see all the beauty that the universe has to offer, that is a blessing.